last update: 24/08/2019parent: -

eZombie 1.1 (en)

eZombie is an hunting game created as an additional module (.DLL) for Opensimulator.


This version as been tested with  Opensimlator version and standard (the one you can download directly from official site installed on Windows7/8.1/10 and Windows 2013 server.


Even if it should work correctly on Linux, we did not tested it on those operating system.

The names of files and folders used in this guide refer to the Windows operating system.


Due to the implemented differences between Opensim version 8 and version 9, do not try to install eZombie on Opensim version older than


Before go on with download and installation, for those who did not yet, we suggest to have an eZombie sessions in our region to get comfy with the terms used in this guide.
You can find the zombie region at URI:


eZombie is an Opensimulator add-on module (.dll), a basic knowledge of Opensim and its configuration files it is needed.  Endivatomic staff can answer fast questions related to eZombie but for no reasons and no cases  we can follow you step by step in the installation process.



  • Download & Module setup

    DOWNLOAD The module MUST be installed before to load and run related scripts in the region. Before download the software please read carefully the "Terms and Conditions" at the following link:; keep in mind that ...

  • Region setup

    The region where to setup the zombie arena must be divided into 2 zones: the starting zone, "safe area" (where players are sent once killed) the combat zone, "arena" when you decided where to put the starting zone, keep note of its lower-left and ...

  • Score panel setup

    Note: if you are updating from previus version, skip this step and go on reading "Updating server.cfg" at the bottom of this page. Once you decided where your Starting area must be, rez on it the Score panel, named "eZombie ver.1"; you can find it in ...

  • server.cfg Notecard

    All line starting by // (double slash) or empty will be considered as comment and skipped by the engine. Below is the list of available parameters: safe_area_corner1 = <x,y,z> (new 1.1) Bottom-left coordinates of the starting area. (This is in ...

  • Server Scores

    This part it is optional and no needed to run eZombie in your regions. In this chapter we will try to give you all infos needed to build a web server where collect scores made by players and put them in a html page visible by web. This want to be a ...

  • Build from source

    The following instructions are meant to be used with VisualStudio 2015, but we are sure with a little effort (or none at all) they could be used with other VisualStudio versions. If you didnt it yet, download Opensim source code from official web ...

  • Terms and conditions

    eZombie Copyright 2017 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: Unless ...