last update: 24/08/2019parent: eZombie 1.1 (en)

server.cfg Notecard

All line starting by // (double slash) or empty will be considered as comment and skipped by the engine. Below is the list of available parameters:


safe_area_corner1 = <x,y,z> (new 1.1)

Bottom-left coordinates of the starting area. (This is in substitution to parcel UID of older version)

safe_area_corner2 = <x,y,z> (new 1.1)

Top-right coordinates of the starting area. (This is in substitution to parcel UID of older version)


score_url = secret_code| (new 1.1)

This parameter it is optional. You can insert here the url of the web server enabled to receive player's scores. Each time a player will end its game session, his score will be sent to the url you write here. The secret code may will be (or maybe not) used by the web server to accept your transmissions.

Example: score_url = b2c3d|

You can repeat this parameter more than once, in this case the engine will send player's scores to more than one destination (this option allow you, for example, to send scores to your web pages and to a contest server at same time).

pos_hall = <x,y,z>

The coordinates whithin the starting area where players will be teleported once killed.


pos_arena = <x,y,z>

The coordinates whithin the arena (the combat area) where players will be teleported when entering in game.


hud_attach_to = center (new 1.1)

This parameter it is optional. The place where to attach HUD when player entering the game; this allow you to create personalized HUD.

Allowed values are:

  • top-left

  • top-center

  • top-right

  • center

  • bottom-left

  • bottom-center

  • bottom-right


max_players = 10

Number max of players who can play same time.

energy_decay_tm = 80

Number of seconds before energy decay one level (and player running speed goes down).

heal_qty = 34

How many "life" will be added when a player get an healty box.

bomb_radius = 40

When a player get a bomb all the zombies within this radius will be killed.

score_kill = 20

Points collected each zombie killed.

score_potion = 7

Points collected each potion get.

score_bomb = 10

Points collected each bomb get.

score_prize1 = 75

Points collected each prize type1 get (crystal)

score_prize2 = 100

Points collected each prize type2 get (crystal)

score_prize3 = 150

Points collected each prize type3 get (crystal)

sniff_distance = 200

Distance in meters a zombie can "sniff" a player and start moving in the direction.

scratch_distance = 1.5

Distance in meters a zombie can "scratch" a player and keep related life points.

bite_distance = 0.8

Distance in meters a zombie can "bite" a player and keep related life points.

scratch_life = 10

Life points lost when a zombie "scratch" a player.

bite_life = 25

Life points lost when a zombie "bite" a player.

zombie_speed_tm = 180

Time in seconds passed before the zombies speed increase.

zombie_rez_tm = 6

Time in seconds passed before a zombie it is rezzed.

zombie_die_tm = 4

Time in seconds before a killed zombie disappear. This time is needed to play the zombie die animation. During this time the killed zombie can't strach nor bite.

max_zombies = 50

Max number of zombies rezzed in game.

zombie_roar_tm = 10

Time cycle for zombies emitting sound.

zombie_roar_dist = 40

Max distance a player can hear a zombie sound.

objrez_tm = 7

Time in seconds passed before an object (bomb, healty box, etc..) it is rezzed.

objrez_life_tm = 80

Time in seconds before an object disappear.

zombie_pos = <x,y,z>

Each one of this lines rapresent the region coordinates (within the arena) where zombies could be rez. The engine will build a list of this coordinates and every N seconds it will rez a zombie in one of those position, randomly chosed. Be carefoul to select good coordinates to avoid zombie appear inside a wall or inside a closed area. Of course, more coordinates will you add more fun will be, because player will never learn where a zombie will be rezzed.

To add a rezzing point, just add a new line "zombie_pos = <X, Y, Z>".

To give an idea, in a standard region (256x256) at least 20 rezzing point are needed.


objrez_pos = <x,y,z>

Exactly like for zombie coordinates, those lines give to eZombie engine the list of points where to rez goods (Energy pot, crystals, healty box, bombs). In a standard region (256x256) at least 20 rezzing point are needed.