
  • Swim tour 2.00 os

    tl-swim-tour-200os [tlST from now] move an avatar along a configured route. You can set routes steps manually (editing a notecard) or automatically (using the route recorder). The tour will end in same position where it began. tlST make use of ...
  • HUD tour recorder

    30/07/2015 (updated 31/07/2015)
    Wear the HUD-route recorder and move your av along the route you want to build. When you are going to change direction, first stop your av and push "save position": actual position will be stored in the recorder. To see what positions are stored in ...
  • Boat tour 2.00 os

    28/07/2015 (updated 31/07/2015)
    tl-boat-tour-200os [tlBT from now] move a water vehicle along a configured route. You can set routes steps manually (editing a notecard) or automatically (using the route recorder). The tour will end in same position where it began. tlBT make use of ...
  • Boat Engine (tour)

    Ciao a tutti, oggi vi presento il mio primo script, spero sia di vostro interesse e che possa essere utile come esempio per futuri sviluppi. Questo script permette di muovere una barca secondo un percorso specificato atraverso una serie di coordinate ...


Grid status

grid status:on line
AV on line:0
last week:5
HG visitors:2.848